Вс, 2024 Дек 22
— Свидетель, Вы утверждаете, что видели, как обвиняемый выстрелил в свою жертву три раза. Как далеко Вы находились от места нападения?
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R — Lost Alpha [11]
S.T.A.L.K.E.R — Тінь Чорнобиля [23]
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R — Поклик Прип'яті [9]
World of GTA [162]
Tomb Raider [3]
Watch_Dogs [1]
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Главная » Статьи » GamerStuff » Watch_Dogs

Profiler Table
Name Description ActivationEffect
Carrier signal source An unprotected computer you can use to route commands to other nodes Hack to create a signal
Construction Lift Hack to raise or lower Hack to activate
DigitalBoard   Hack to control display
Junction Box Hack to overload Hack to access
Network Intruder Alarm Monitors for unauthorized access Routing a signal to this node will trigger an alert in the system
Regulator Hack to release pressure Hack to access
Signal switch A switch that can transfer a signal from one route to another Hack to toggle the switch
Unsecured laptop This laptop has poor security. It can be hacked to retrieve valuable data Hack to access
WiFi-enabled camera A WiFi-enabled camera to monitor inaccessible areas Unlock and hack to access
To Subject Text
AccountsDept Bank Statement These dates don't mesh. And there are charges I don't remember.
AccountsDept Book keeping problem I've looked over your receipts. Something seems off. Can you get back to me asap?
bdgroup buddies 4ever I'm cleaning up my buddies groups. if UR still my buddy then reply ASAP.
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Delia receipt. H514J Item Download. Glitterz Gal Series. Gal's Bedtime Romp. $4.99
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Frnkln Internet Bill. what are "overage" charges, and why is it $300?!!!!
Hans_Jevinski Favor Could you let your mother know I won't be attending her book club. I don't care for this new string of smut books. I don't mind the wink-wink. But the writing is terrible. Tricia.
JBD New medications for your condition Purchase.MnbTex Now. Discount if you.act.now.
lrlee gl Heya! Good luck in the phone call meeting! I know you'll kick butt! Hope you slept well, at least until it got noisy. I love you!
hmemail receipt. H514J Item Download. Lily, Dob and The Magical Trip. $2.99
Item Download. Sex and the Single Parent. $9.99
Morrow.R.Dr. So much bloody time on the computer I don't know what the hell is up with my kid. I would like to know what's so damn interesting. If he doesn't tell me, I'm going to take a bat to that stupid machine.
pdbobo your trip What's it like there? Any good restaurants? How are the chicks? Sexy?
RLDenier Crazy mutt Haha, see this pic yet? Too funny.
Robbins_Family Birth Photography Services We're happy you'd like to hire us. We offer live-social streaming of the event for an additional $500. Please fill out the attached form with deposit of $650. Once again, many blessings on your upcoming baby!
S_Frye Application Review for Crohn's Receptor Experiment G28XT After careful consideration we feel that you do not fit this particular drug experiment. While this is a disappointment to you, there are many avenues and medications available for your condition. Sincerely, Dr. B. Fenduyn.
SLBedoe Contract attached okay, i scanned it in with the info. check it over then sign and send back.
sponsorship list survey plz thanks for participating in our fundraiser. can you fill out the survey so we know what to fix next year?
trnclan Bank Security Alert This is to inform you that your account's password has been changed. If this is not the case please notify us immediately.
TW Look this over, plz? Can you read this over? It's only 1200wrds. It's due tomorrow
zippop new medication for your condition For a better sex life = .81$ How could u say no?
Категория: Watch_Dogs | Добавил: 70radil (2014 Окт 15)
Просмотров: 502 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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