GXT/WAV | Текст
| Перевод |
| I got a new apartment up in Vice Point
| y meня нoвaя квapтиpa в вaиc пoинт
| - thought you might want to drop by sometime.
| , кoтopyю ты moжeшь зaxoтeть пoceтить.
| I'd love to. I'll catch you later.
| c ygoвoльcтвиem. cвяжycь c тoбoи пoзжe.
| Tommy, it's me.
| тommи, этo я.
| Hi Mercedes.
| пpивeт, mepcegec.
| Tommy, I so bored, when we going to have some fun?
| тommи, mнe cкyчнo. moжeт, paзвлeчemcя?
| What do you mean?
| чтo этo знaчит?
MOB55_E | Well, I know you're busy fighting and killing and corrupting people, | я знaю, чтo твoи бизнec -- избиeния, yбииcтвa и пogкyп, |
MOB55_F | but I just want to have some fun. So don't forget about me, you hear? | нo я тoлькo xoчy пopaзвлeчьcя. пoэтomy нe зaбygь oбo mнe, ты cлышишь? |
MOB56_A | Tommy, I hear you kill Ricardo Diaz. | тommи, гoвopят, ты yбил pикapgo gиaca. |
MOB56_B | there was an unfortunate fire at his mansion. | в eгo gome был cлyчaиныи пoжap. |
MOB56_C | I think he burnt to death in an acrylic shirt. | вoт oн и cгopeл вmecтe c ниm. |
MOB56_D | Tommy, I so proud of you. I knew you were a real man. | тommи, я тoбoи гopжycь. я вceгga знaл, чтo ты - myжчинa. |
MOB56_E | He awful trouser stain of a man, you make me so proud to be your friend. | oн был плoxиm и гpязныm чeлoвeкom, я pag, чтo я твoи gpyг. |
MOB56_F | No, I know you going to be busy trying to take over this town, | нeт, я знaю, чтo ты бygeшь зaнят зaxвaтom этoгo гopoga, |
MOB56_G | but don't forget about me, you hear? | нo пomни oбo mнe, xopoшo? |
MOB57_A | It's merceedes. I no longer love you Tommy. | этo - mepcegec. я тeбя бoльшe нe люблю, тommи. |
MOB57_B | I no longer do. Honest. 'cause you no longer nice to Mercedes. | paзлюбилa. чecтнo. ты mнe тeпepь gaжe нe нpaвишьcя. |
MOB57_C | You no longer treat her like a lady. You ignore me and I hate you. | oнa gля тeбя yжe нe лegи. ты игнopиpyeшь meня, и я нeнaвижy тeбя. |
MOB57_D | I insist you come to see me right away! | я xoчy, чтoбы ты пpиexaл кo mнe ceичac жe! |
MOB58_A | Tommy. | тommи. |
MOB58_B | Hey Mercedes. | xeи, mepcegec. |
MOB58_C | Hey indeed Mr. Tough Guy. I real angry with you Tommy. | нy, пpивeт, mиcтep кpyтoи. я нa тeбя cepжycь, тommи.
MOB58_D | Never make me hang out with Jezz Torrent again. | нe зacтaвляи meня бoльшe тepпeть gжeззa тoppeнтa. |
MOB58_E | He is pathetic. Half way through he starts crying about his doggie | oн - жaлoк. вce вpemя тoлькo и плaчeтcя o cвoeи coбaчoнкe, |
MOB58_F | that died when he was 7 years old and that his mommy never loved him. | кoтopaя ymepлa кoгga emy былo 7 лeт, и кoтopyю нe любилa eгo mamoчкa. |
MOB58_G | And Tommy. He wear a wig and a bra in private. | и, тommи. oн жe нocит goma пapик и лифчик. |
MOB58_H | I not very happy with you! | ты oгopчaeшь meня! |
MOB59_A | Ooh Tommy, its Mercedes. | o-o, тommи, этo- mepcegec. |
MOB59_B | I just want to say, I have so much fun on that film set. | я xoчy cкaзaть тeбe, чтo cьemки mнe oчeнь пoнpaвилиcь. |
MOB59_C | Anything else you have like that, you let me know. | ecли y тeбя бygeт eщe чтo-тo в этom poge, cкaжи mнe. |
MOB59_D | I really mean that. I always wanted to be an actress. | пpaвga. я вceгga xoтeлa быть aктpиcoи. |
MOB59_E | I think I learn a lot about the dramatic process. | я yжe gocтaтoчнo paзбиpaюcь в gpamaтypгии. |
MOB59_F | It so enlightening! Thank you. Thank you. I see you real soon. Adios. | и mнe этo нpaвитcя! cпacибo, cпacибo. cкopo yвиgиmcя. agиoc. |
MOB_03A | Mr. Vercetti? I have here a signed piece of crap stating | mp. вepчeтти? y meня тyт бymaжoнкa, в кoтopoи гoвopитcя, |
MOB_03B | that you have taken on all of BJ's Auto's debts. | кoтopoи вы oбязyeтecь oплaтить goлги бg aвтo. |
MOB_03C | With BJ's sudden disappearance I have no choice | пocлe иcчeзнoвeния биgжи y meня нe былo выбopa, |
MOB_03D | but to hold you responsible for his financial insecurities. | выбopa. вam пpиgeтcя oтвeтить зa eгo финaнcoвыe maxинaции. |
MOB_03E | Until this account is settled in full | go тex пop, пoкa нe yлagитe вce cчeтa, |
MOB_03F | you should consider Vice City's streets to be very unfriendly. | oплaчeн, бygьтe oчeнь ocтopoжны нa yлицax вaиc cити. |
MOB_08H | Whatever, Ken, whatever... | кaк бы тam ни былo, кeн,... |
MOB_10A | Tommy! Look, I gotta ask you a favor. | тommи! xoчy пoпpocить тeбя oб ogoлжeнии. |
MOB_10B | Steve! How's filming going! | cтив! нy, кaк иgyт cьemки! |
MOB_10C | Fine, fine. I, heh, WE need a car chase scene, but our budget can't stretch to it. | нopmaльнo. cлyшaи, нam нyжнa cцeнa пoгoни, нo нaш бюgжeт gля этoгo maлoвaт. |
MOB_10D | I've left some wheels around town. You'll know what to do. | я ocтaвил кoлeca в гopoge. ты знaeшь, чтo geлaть. |
MOB_10E | Ok Steve, I'll keep an eye out. Catch you later. | Oк cтив, я зaиmycь этиm. coзвoниmcя. |
MOB_14I | My provincial English geography ain't what it was. | moя пpoвинциaльнaя aнглииcкaя гeoгpaфия, нe тo чтo вы gymaeтe. |
MOB_29E | Well, I got a real vermin infestation. Haitians everywhere. | xopoшo, я знaю нacтoящиx пapaзитoв. гaитянe - вeзge. |
MOB_29F | My name is Umberto Robina and I want you to meet me at the Cafe Robina as soon as you can, | meня зoвyт ymбepтo poбинa, я бы xoтeл вcтpeтитьcя c вamи в кaфe poбинa кaк moжнo cкopee, |
MOB_29G | 'cause I tell you, these damn Haitians gone too far this time. | 'пpичинa - нeнaвиcтныe гaитянe зaшли cлишкom gaлeкo. |
MOB_35A | Tommy, the wound is healing well. Funny thing is, | тommи, paнa зaживaeт xopoшo. шyткa в тom чтo, |
MOB_35B | I have fought in 6 battle zones and always walked away without a scratch, and now this! | чтo я cpaжaлcя в 6 mecтax, и никoгga нe пoлyчaл gaжe цapaпины, и тyт тaкoe! |
MOB_35C | One armed Phil. Still, I got me a healthy selection of one handed fire power so I'll never be unarmed Phil, you hear. | ogин вoopyжeнныи фил. ogнaкo, я moгy cтpeлять и gpyгoи pyкoи тoк чтo тeбe нe зacтaть meня бeзopyжныm фил, cлышишь. |
MOB_35D | Any way son, cut out the sentimental crap and go buy yourself a drink, you hear! | в любom cлyчae, cынoк, oтбpocь caнтиmeнты и пoиgи выпeи, cлышишь! |
MOB_67A | Tommy, me thinks you should be staying away, you hear? | тommи, я gymaю вы goлжны иgти, cлышитe? |
MOB_67B | The Haitian boys not too 'appy with you. | гaитянe нegoвoльны тoбoи. |
MOB_73B | Hey, Steve. | eи, cтив. |
MOB_73E | Eeer, that's cool, Steve. | ga, вoт этo кpyтo, cтив. |
MOB_73H | Thanks steve. | cпacибo cтив. |
MOB_73J | I hear you. Good bye, Steve. | я cлышy тeбя. go cвиgaнья cтив. |
MOB_95 | Get to the payphone at location. | пogoити к тeлeфoнy.
NBMN_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase El Swanko Casa for $~1~ | нaжmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ чтoбы кyпить eл cвaнкo кaca зa $~1~ |
NOMONEY | You need more cash! | нyжнo бoльшe geнeг! |
OCHE_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase Ocean Heights Apartment for $~1~ | нaжmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ чтoбы кyпить квapтиpy нa oкeaнcкиx xoлmax зa $~1~ |
PBOAT_1 | Press the ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ button to fire the boat cannons. | нaжmитe ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ чтoбы cтpeлять opygияmи лogки
PBOAT_2 | нaжmитe ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ кнoпкa, чтoбы cтpeлять пo opygияm cygнa. |
PRNT_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase the Print Works for $~1~ | нaжmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ кнoпкa, чтoбы кyпить пeчaтныe изgaния gля $~1~ |
RBM1_6 | Take Mercedes and the 'Love Juice' to the band at the recording studio. | вoзьmитe mepcegec и ' coк любви ' к opкecтpy в cтygию звyкoзaпиcи. |
RBM2_6 | Wow! She's a bloke, stop him! | вay! ocтaнoвитe eгo! |
RBM3_5 | Take Love Fist to the venue. | вoзьmитe лoa фиcт к mecтy вcтpeчи. |
RCH1_2 | The CHECKPOINTS are scattered throughout the airport. | кoнтpoльныe пyнкты pacceяны пo вcemy aэpoпopтy. |
RCPL1_1 | Compete in a CHECKPOINT RACE with 3 other RC Baron's | copeвнyиcя в чeкпoинт гoнкe c 3 gpyгиmи RC бapoнamи |
RCPL1_2 | You must go through the CENTRE CORONA to successfully pass a checkpoint. | вы goлжны пpoити цeнтp кopoны gля ycпeшнoгo пpoxoжgeния кoнтpoльнoгo пyнктa. |
RCPL1_3 | Get to the starting grid now! | a тeпepь нa cтapт! |
RCRC1_2 | тeпepь goбepитecь go cтapтoвoи ceтки! |
RCRC1_7 | GO!
| иgитe! |
ROCK_4 | Love Fist!! | кyлaк любви!! |
ROK1_1E | It'll cost more than you've got! | этo бygeт cтoить бoльшe чem y вac ecть! |
ROK1_1F | Come back when you got the money. | вoзвpaщaиcя, кoгga нaиgeшь geньги. |
ROK1_4 | Ok, I think this is what you were after... | xopoшo, я gymaю этo тo, чem вы бygeтe пocлe... |
SAVE1 | Walk into the corona to Save the game. You cannot save during a mission. | пpoгyлкa к кopoнe зaпиcaть игpy. вы нe moжeтe зaпиcaть игpy вo вpemя mиccии. |
SAVE2 | Any vehicle left in this garage will be stored when the game is saved. | любaя maшинa в гapaжe coxpaняeтcя тam вmecтe c игpoи. |
SEG3_10 | You hit the target! 2 more to go. | ты пopaзил цeль! ocтaлocь 2. |
SEG3_11 | You hit the target! Just 1 more to go! | вы пoпaли пo цeли! тoлькo 1 ocтaлocь! |
SEG3_12 | You missed the target! Go get a bomb! | ты пpomaзaл! вoзьmи бomбy! |
SEG3_13 | Drop the bomb at a target zone. | бpocьтe бomбy в зoнy цeли. |
SEG3_14 | You ran out of time and failed to demolish the building. | вpemя вышлo, a ты нe взopвaл зgaния. |
SEG3_15 | Your RC Raider has been destroyed! How you gonna transport the bombs now? | вaш Rc paиgep был yничтoжeн! кaк вы тeпepь бygeтe тpaнcпopтиpoвaть бomбы? |
SEG3_2 | Get to the van that contains the RC Raider and remote timed bombs. | иgи в фypгoн, в кoтopom cтoит RC peиgep и gиcтaнциoнныe бomбы. |
SEG3_3 | You must use the RC RAIDER to transport 4 bombs to 4 target zones on the building site. | вы goлжны иcпoльзoвaть RC paиgep чтoбы тpaнcпopтиpoвaть 4 бomбы к 4 цeляm нa cтpoитeльнom yчacткe. |
SEG3_4 | You can pick up bombs by simply piloting your RC Raider adjacent to each one, to drop a bomb press the ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ button. | взять бomбy вы moжeтe, пpocтo пogлeтeв к нeи пoближe, a cбpocить -- нaжaв ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ . |
SEG3_6 | To successfully hit a target zone, you must drop the bomb in the area represented by the pink marker. You can drop the bombs in any order. | для тoчнoгo пopaжeния выбpaннoи зoны, вы goлжны cбpocить бomбy, пoкaзaннyю в poзoвoи тoчкoи . вы moжeтe бpocить бomбы в любom пopяgкe. |
SEG3_7 | Once you have dropped the FIRST bomb successfully in a target zone the detonation timer will start; you must then drop all the bombs within this time period. | кaк тoлькo ты cбpocишь пepвyю бomбy в нyжнoe mecтo, зaпycтитcя тaиmep cpaбaтывaния; ты goлжeн ycпeть cбpocить вce бomбы go тoгo, кaк oтcчeт зaкoнчитьcя |
SEG3_8 | All 4 bombs must be located at the 4 target zones to pass the mission and demolish the building. | вce 4 бomбы goлжны нaxogитьcя в 4 зoнax пopaжeния gля пpoxoжgeния mиccии и paзpyшeния зgaния. |
SERG3_5 | You can only carry one bomb at a time and cannot pick up successfully planted bombs. | ты moжeшь gepжaть тoлькo ogнy бomбy, и нe moжeшь пogбиpaть тe, кoтopыe yжe пocтaвил. |
SKUM_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase Skumole Shack for $~1~ | нaжmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ чтoбы кyпить cкamxoyл cнeк зa $~1~
STRP_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase the Pole Position Club for $~1~ | нaжmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ чтoбы зaплaтить зa клyб пepвoи пoзиции $~1~ |
TAX2_4 | Go on, Tommy. | gaвaи, тommи. |
TAX2_5 | Beat the hell out of him. | чepт eгo пoбepи. |
TAX2_6 | He hasn't even got a license. | y нeгo gaжe нeт пpaв. |
TAX2_7 | Damn limo services. | к чepтy ycлyги лиmo. |
TAXI_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase the Taxi Company for $~1~ | нaжmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ чтoбы зaплaтить зa тaкcoпapк $~1~ |
TEX3_9 | Pickup a bomb by maneuvering the RC helicopter next to it. | пogбepи бomбy, пpoлeтeв нag нeи вepтoлeтom RC. |
VCPT_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase 3321 Vice Point for $~1~ | нaжmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ чтoбы зaплaтить зa 3321 вaиc пoинт $~1~ |
WANT_C | You now have a wanted level of one... | ceичac y вac ecть нyжныи ypoвeнь ogин... |
WANT_J | You will find ways of reducing your wanted level the more you play. | вo вpemя игpы вы пoиmeтe, кaк ymeньшить cвoи peитинг poзыcкa |
WANT_K | If you are in a car, SPRAY SHOPS will clear your wanted level. | ecли вы в maшинe, pacпылитeли goлжны oчиcтить нyжныи ypoвeнь. |
WASH_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase 1102 Washington Street for $~1~ | жmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ кнoпкy gля пoкyпки 1102 вaшингтoн cтpит зa $~1~ |
| Paramedic missions complete! You will never get tired when running!
| mиccия megикa выпoлнeнa! ты нe ycтaeшь вo вpemя нee!
нa gopoгe
| Mr. Teal, your help in eradicating those out-of-towners was invaluable to business. I have more work for you with a more 'hands-on' approach.
| mp. тил, вaшa пomoщь в иcкopeнeнии тoи gepeвeнщины нeoцeниma gля бизнeca. y meня ecть eщe paбoтa вam c пpиmeнeниem 'pyк'.
пpикoнчить жeнy
| You smashed up her car when she wasn't in it! She won't touch it now!
| ты paзбил ee maшинy, нo ee тam нe былo! тeпepь oнa нe cяgeт в нee!
выexaть и вepнyтьcя
| Looks like you're not the only one after the briefcase! Get it to Ammu-Nation, quick time!
| пoxoжe, вы зgecь нe egинcтвeнныи, ктo пpишeл зa пopтфeлem! пpитянитe eгo к amyниции, geиcтвyитe пoбыcтpee!
cпиcoк цeлeи
BNK2_9B | You can't shoot nothin'. | вы нe moжeтe ничeгo нe пogcтpeлить.
BK4_23A | Give me 5 minutes! | gaитe mнe 5 mинyт! |
BNK422A | Cam, how long? | кэm, cкoлькo? |
фнom пeн '86
| The road blocks to the mainland have now been removed
| gopoги нa кoнтинeнт goлжны быть зaкpыты
yбeи |
ASS1_15 | Storm the mansion and kill Diaz! | штyпmyи зgaниe и yбeи gиaзa ! |
ASS1_17 | There are multiple routes into the mansion. | mнoгo пyтeи в ocoбняк. |
ASS1_20 | Tommy, my problem with Quentin, not wit you, man! | тommи, y meня пpoблema c квeнтинom! |
пpocящии пogaяниe |
CAP1_10 | I'll murder you Vercetti. | я yбью тeбя, вepceтти. |
CAP1_11 | You always were a jerk. | ты вceгga был тyпицeи. |
CAP1_12 | You're going to die, Vercetti. | пpигoтoвьcя к cmepти, вepceтти. |
CAP1_2 | You know the rules, Vercetti! | ты знaeшь пpaвилa, вepчeтти! |
CAP1_3 | Mr. Forelli sends his regards! | mиcтep фopeлли гoвopит o cвoem yвaжeнии! |
CAP1_4 | It's the Harwood Butcher! | этo xapвyg бaтчep! |
CAP1_5 | You tell Sonny - stay away! | cкaжи-кa, cынoк, - gepжиcь пogaльшe! |
CAP1_6 | Vice City is MINE now, NOT his. | вицe cити moи, a нe твoи. |
CAP1_7 | You think you can take me down, Vercetti? | gymaeшь, чтo cmoжeшь meня yничтoжить, вepceтти? |
CAP1_8 | We'll keep coming after you until you die, Vercetti. | mы пpиgem, кoгga ты ympeшь, вepчeтти. |
CAP1_9 | You don't stand a chance, you psychotic prick. | y тeбя нeт и maлeишeгo шaнca, ты, пcиxoвaннaя гниga. |
CAP1_B6 | You have found the collector, kill him. | ты нaшeл кoллeктopa, yбeи eгo. |
CAP1_B7 | You've lost the collector. | вы пoтepяли coбиpaтeля. |
пogлыи пopoceнoк |
GEN1_01 | When jogging, press and hold the ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ button to prepare a melee attack. | пpи вcтpяxивaнии нaжmитe и ygepживaитe ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ кнoпкy gля тoгo, чтoбы иgти вpyкoпaшнyю. |
GEN1_02 | кoгga пpoтaлкивaeтecь, нaжmитe и gepжитe кнoпкy ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ , чтoбы пpигoтoвить pyкoпaшнyю aтaкy. |
GEN1_14 | Release the ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ button to make the attack. | oтпycти ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ кнoпкy gля тoгo, чтoбы нaчaть aтaкy. |
| oтпycтитe кнoпкy ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ , чтoбы aтaкoвaть.
oxpaнники aнгeлы
GEN3_18 | Here come the Cubans, keep close to Diaz. Watch over the deal making Diaz and Lance are safe. | вoт иgyт кyбинцы, gepжитecь ближe к gиaзy. cлegитe зa бeзoпacнocтью cgeлки gиaзa и лaнca. |
GEN3_39 | Get to your vantage point up the stairs. | зaиmи выгogнyю пoзицию нaвepxy. |
GEN3_40 | To shoot straight ahead on a motorbike press the ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ button. | чтoбы cтpeлять пpяmo нa moтoциклe нaжmитe кнoпкy ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ . |
GEN3_41 | чтoбы выcтpeлить впepeg c moтoциклa нaжmи ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ кнoпкy. |
GEN3_45 | They'll be here any minute, we both better get a good vantage point. | oни moгyт быть зgecь в любoи momeнт, нam лyчшe зaнять пoзицию пoвыгogнeи. |
GEN3_51 | More damned Haitians in a shitty van! | eщe бoльшe чepтoвыx гaитян в фypгoнe! |
GEN3_55 | Tommy! I'll stay here and watch over Diaz! | тommи! я ocтaнycь тyт и пpиcmoтpю зa gиaзom! |
GEN3_65 | To shoot forwards while on a bike press the ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ button. | gля тoгo, чтoбы cтpeлять c moтoциклa, нaжmитe ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ кнoпкy. |
вcem лeчь нa gocки! |
COL5_4 | They've got a helicopter! | oни взяли вepтoлeт! |
pacпpocтpaнeниe |
ICC1_1 | Use your Ice Cream van distribute drugs around Vice City. | пoльзyяcь cвoиm aвтomoбилem c mopoжeнныm, pacпpocтpaнитe нapкoтики. |
ICC1_10 | You made ~1~ deals! | выпoлнeнo ~1~ cgeлoк!
ICC1_11 | You made ~1~ deal! | вы зaключили ~1~ cgeлкy! |
ICC1_13 | You didn't make any deals! | вы нe зaключили ни ogнoи cgeлки! |
ICC1_14 | ICECREAM ASSET COMPLETED | зaвog mopoжeнoгo зaкoнчeн |
ICC1_15 | The icecream factory will now generate revenue up to a maximum of $~1~. Make sure you collect it regularly. | тeпepь фaбpикa mopoжeннoгo бygeт выpaбaтывaть пpибыль в $~1~. нe зaбывaитe peгyляpнo пoceщaть ee.
ICC1_18 | Total ice cream sales: $~1~ | oбщиe пpogaжи mopoжeнoгo: $~1~ |
ICC1_2 | Park your van and press the ~VEHICLE_HORN~ to play your ice cream jingle to notify customers that your ready for business. | зaпapкyитe cвoи фypгoн и нaжmитe ~VEHICLE_HORN~ чтoбы cooбщить клиeнтam, чтo вы гoтoвы вecти geлa. |
ICC1_6 | Use the Mr. Whoopee van to distribute Cherry Poppers product around Vice City. | иcпoльзyитe фypгoн вyпи gля gиcтpибyции пpogyкции чeppи пoппepз в вaиc-cити. |
ICC1_ZA | PROPERTY ACQUIRED! | пpиoбpeтeн! |
cтapыи gpyг |
INT2_K | Now they operate out of Mexico, | ceичac oни зaняты нe в mexикo, |
INT2_L | no, no, no, wait... | нeт, нeт, нeт пocтoи... |
INT2_M | They own a farm in Panama. | y ниx ecть фepma в пaнame. |
INT2_N | Okay, all right, listen - | oкeи, вce xopoшo, cлyшaи - |
INT2_O | you guys, when we get there should I stay in the car, | peбятa, кoгga mы тyga goбepemcя, mнe нago быть в maшинe, |
INT2_P | or do you guys want me to come in with you guys? | или вы xoтитe, чтoбы я пoшeл c вamи?
INT2_Q | No. Stay in the car. | нeт. ocтaвaиcя в maшинe. |
INT2_R | You know what, I thought about it, | знaeшь, я oб этom пogymaл и
INT2_S | I'm gonna watch the car. | я coбиpaюcь cтepeчь maшинy. |
INT3_E | All right. Take it easy, now. | xopoшo, тoлькo ycпoкoитecь. |
INT3_F | I'm right here. The cars running, baby! | я нa mecтe. maшины egyт, бeби! |
INT4_A | Screwed! We're screwed! | нagyли! нac нagyли! |
INT4_B | This is soo typical, | этo тaк oбычнo, |
INT4_C | I poke my head out of the gutter for one freakin' second, | я вытaщил гoлoвy из gepьma вceгo нa ceкyнgy и, |
INT4_D | and fate shovels shit in my face! | и пoлyчил кyчy gepьma! |
INT4_E | Well, screw you! | ga пoшeл ты! |
INT4_F | Shut your face and quit complaining! You're alive, aren't ya'? | зaткниcь и пepecтaнь жaлoвaтьcя! ты живoи, тaк? |
INT4_G | Drop me right up here. | выcagи meня зgecь. |
INT4_H | Go dump the car, then go get some sleep. | paзгpyзиm maшинy, пoтom пocпиm. |
INT4_I | I'll drop by your office tomorrow and we can start sorting this mess out. | я зaвтpa зaegy к тeбe в oфиc, и mы нaчнem вce этo paзгpeбaть.
INT4_J | OK, that's a good idea, I'll get some sleep. | oтличнo, xopoшaя иgeя, я нemнoгo пocплю. |
INT4_L | Make my way back to my hotel, | вepнyтьcя нaзag в moю гocтиницy, |
INT4_M | clear my head, and figure this crap out. | пpoяcнить гoлoвy и вce oбgymaть. |
INT4_N | OK. | oк. |
вeчepинкa |
LAW1_14 | Wow, I like, really dig your motorcycle. | yx ты, я люблю бoльшиe moтoциклы. |
| Yeah babe, just picked it up from Howlin' Pete's
| ga, geткa, пpocтo зaбepи этo y xoвлинa питa
gpaкa в пepeyлкe
| We gotta get the hell outta here!
| mы coбиpaemcя ycтpoить тyт пeклo!
| Tommy, every man needs a little R&R once in a while.
| тommи, кaжgomy чeлoвeкy бывaeт нyжeн maлeнькии R&R.
| This here's the Pole Position Strip Club. You might want to drop in some time.
| зgecь нaxogитcя cтpип клyб пoл пoзиции. moжeт, зaegeшь, кaк-нибygь.
гнeв пpиcяжныx |
| or you can ram them with a vehicle
| или moжeтe gaвить иx maшинoи
| Dumb Florida Moron.
| тyпoи иgиoт из флopиgы.
| Get out of the way!
| yбиpaиcя c gopoги!
| Unbelievable!
| нeвepoятнo!
| Ok! Ok, man! I get the message!
| лagнo! y meня ecть cooбщeниe!
mapтa maг шoт
| Hey Tommy...
| эи тommи...
RC гoнкa бaнgитa
| Compete in a CHECKPOINT RACE with 3 other RC Bandits over 2 LAPS
| зaвepшитe тpaccy c 3 ocтaльныmи бaнgитamи зa 2 кpyгa
RCRC1_3 | Final lap! | финaльныи кpyг! |
любoвныи эликcиp |
RBM1_9 | Go and collect some love juice from the dealer for Love Fist! | иgи и gля нaчaлa gocтaнь y тopгoвцa нaпитoк любви! |
gemoлишн maн |
TEX3_3 | Maneuver the RC helicopter next to a bomb to pick it up. it can carry one bomb at a time.. | нaпpaвить вepтoлeт RC нa бomбy, чтoбы ee взять. зa ogин paз oн moжeт yнecти ogнy бomбy.. |
TEX3_37 | Pushing back on the analog stick decreases the rotor speed, causing the helicopter to descend. | нaжaтиe нaзag нa aнaлoг pyчки ymeньшaeт cкopocть нecyщeгo винтa, и зacтaвляeт вepтoлeт cнижaтьcя. |
TEX3_38 | Pressing the ~VEHICLE_ACCELERATE~ button increases the rotor speed, causing the helicopter to ascend. | нaжaтиe ~VEHICLE_ACCELERATE~ кнoпки yвeличивaeт cкopocть нecyщeгo винтa, и вepтoлeт нaбиpaeт выcoтy. |
кaбmaгeggoн |
TAX3_5 | Hey boy I'm gonna tan your hide! | пpиятeль, я paзoбью твoe лoгoвo! |