GXT/WAV | Текст | Перевод |
AMMU | Go inside Ammu-Nation to buy a weapon. | зaиgи внyтpь amyниции, чтoбы кyпить opyжиe. |
ASM1_1 | Mr. Teal, your help in eradicating those out-of-towners was invaluable to business. I have more work for you with a more 'hands-on' approach. Your next job is taped under the phone. | mиcтep тиaл, вaшa пomoщь в иcкopeнeнии инoзemцeв бecцeннa gля бизнeca. y meня gля вac ecть eщe paбoтa. вaшa paбoтa зaпиcaнa пog тeлeфoнom. |
ASM1_2 | Get to the payphone outside the Mall in Washington. | goбepитecь go тeлeфoн-aвтomaтa зa moллom в вaшингтoнe. |
ASM1_3 | Carl Pearson, Pizza Delivery Man. He must not complete his deliveries. | кapл пepcoн, gocтaвщик пиццы. oн нe goлжeн выпoлнить зaкaзa. |
ASM1_4 | Kill the Pizza Delivery Man before he completes his deliveries. | yбeитe paзнocчикa пиццы, нe gaвaя emy ocyщecтвить gocтaвки. |
ASM3_1 | Go and get the weapon Mr. Black has left for you. | иgи и зaбepи opyжиe, кoтopoe mиcтep блэк ocтaвил gля тeбя. |
ASM3_10 | You failed to kill them all. | вы нe cmoгли yбить иx вcex. |
ASM3_2 | Don't get too close to the target or he may spot you! | нe пpиближaиcя cлишкom близкo к цeли инaчe oн зaceчeт тeбя! |
ASM3_3 | For a quick safe kill find a secluded spot nearby with a clear view of your target. | gля быcтpoгo тoчнoгo выcтpeлa нaиgитe yкpomнoe mecтo c xopoшиm oбзopom вaшeи цeли. |
ASM3_4 | He's seen you! Better waste him any way you can! | oн тeбя yвиgeл! лyчшe зaвaли eгo любыm cпocoбom! |
ASM3_5 | Marcus Hammond is working on an advertising board in Washington. | mapкyc xammoнg paбoтaeт нa peклamнom щитe в вaшингтoнe. |
ASM3_6 | Franco Carter is working for DBP Security off Ocean Drive. | фpaнкo кapтep paбoтaeт нa cлyжбy oxpaны gбп oyшeн gpaив. |
ASM3_7 | Dick Tanner is situated near the Jewelry shop in Vice Point. | gик тaннep нaxogитcя вoзлe ювeлиpнoгo maгaзинa в вaиc-пoинт. |
ASM3_8 | Nick Kong is situated near Washington Beach. | ник кoнг pacпoлaгaeтcя вoзлe вaшингтoн бич. |
ASM3_9 | Stuntman Driver is situated in Washington. | вogитeль-кacкagep нaxogитcя в вaшингтoнe. |
ASM4_1 | Go get the rifle left for you in the foliage outside the airport terminal. | иgи и вoзьmи винтoвкy, кoтopyю gля тeбя ocтaвили зa тapmинaлom aэpoпopтa. |
ASM4_2 | Don't miss your target or you may alert his bodyguards, and remember keep your distance so he does not spot you. | нe yпycти цeль, инaчe этo moжeт вcтpeвoжить oxpaнy, и пomни, gepжи gиcтaнцию или oнa тeбя зaceчeт.
ASM4_3 | Watch the woman on the balcony above the check-in desks inside the airport terminal. DO NOT KILL HER. | cлegи зa жeнщинoи нa бaлкoнe вышe peгиcтpaциoнныx cтoлoв внyтpи тepmинaлa aэpoпopтa. нe yбeи ee. |
ASM4_4 | Kill the man she hands the briefcase to but only AFTER HE PICKS IT UP. Then retrieve the briefcase and take it to Ammu-Nation in Downtown. | yбeитe чeлoвeкa, кoтopomy oнa oтgacт пopтфeль, нo тoлькo кoгga oн вoзьmeт eгo. зaтem зaбepитe пopтфeль и gocтaвьтe в amyницию в цeнтpe гopoga. |
ASM4_5 | Get the briefcase! | gocтaнь чemogaн! |
ASM4_6 | Take the briefcase to Ammu-Nation in Downtown. | gocтaвьтe пopтфeль в amyницию в цeнтpe гopoga. |
ASM4_7 | You killed the woman, you fool! | ты yбил жeнщинy, иgиoт! |
ASM4_8 | The target heard you firing your weapon! The deal is off! | цeль ycлышaлa выcтpeл из вaшeгo opyжия! ничeгo нe выиgeт! |
ASM4_9 | The target has boarded his flight! | цeль ceлa нa camoлeт! |
ASM4_11 | The target has seen you! The deal is off! | цeль зameтилa вac! cgeлкa pacтopгнyтa! |
ASM4_13 | He's spotted you and is making a run for it, nail him and get the briefcase! | oн зameтил тeбя и yбeгaeт, пpигвoзgи eгo и зaбypи чemogaн! |
ASM4_14 | The distance bar in the upper right of the screen gives you an indication to how close you are to your target do not let it fill or he will see you. | пaнeль paccтoяния в пpaвom вepxнem yглy экpaнa пoкaзывaeт, нacкoлькo близкo вы ceичac oт cвoeи цeли. кoгga пaнeль пoлнocтью зaпoлнитcя - вac зaceкли. |
ASM4_24 | distance: | paccтoяниe: |
ASS1_3 | Lance! I need cover! | лaнc! пpикpoи meня! |
ASS1_5 | Lance! | лaнc! |
ASS1_6 | Go on Tommy, I'll be ok!
| gaвaи тommи, co mнoи бygeт вce xopoшo! |
ASS1_8 | I'm pinned down! | meня пpиcтpeлили! |
ASS1_9 | I got you covered Tommy! | я пpикpывaю тeбя, тommи! |
ASS1_10 | Hey, this is a real nice herbaceous border | эи, этo oтличнaя тpaвянaя гpaницa
BANK_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase The Malibu for $~1~ | нaжmи ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ кнoпкy gля пpиoбpeтeния maлибy зa $~1~ |
BJM2_21 | Hit as many targets as you can while your ammo lasts. | пoпagитe в maкcиmym цeлeи, пoкa нe кoнчaтcя пaтpoны. |
BJM3_1 | Get a fast car and get to the starting grid. | нaиgи быcтpyю maшинe и шypyи к нaчaльнoи линeикe. |
BMX_REC | New Record Set:~1~ !! | нoвыи peкopg:~1~ !! |
BNK1_1 | Can I help you, sir? | вam пomoчь, cэp? |
BNK1_2 | There's an imposter! | зgecь moшeнник!
BNK1_3 | He's gone insane! | oн coшeл c yma! |
BNK1_4 | Who the hell are you? | ктo ты, чepт пoбepи? |
BNK1_5 | Where's your badge? | гge твoя эmблema? |
BNK1_6 | There they are! Shoot to kill! | вoт oни! cтpeлять нa пopaжeниe!
BNK2_6 | This guy's a lunatic! | этoт пapeнь лyнaтик! |
BNK3_2 | I'm not driving for you, no way, I'm sharing this at group. | я нe cтaнy eзgить gля тeбя, нeт, я paзgeляю этo c гpyппoи. |
BNK4_26 | Hot damn! Here they come! | чepт пoбepи! вoн oни иgyт! |
BNK4_2A | Boys at the car lot did a great job on this baby. | peбятa нa cтoянкe oтличнo пopaбoтaли c этoи geткoи. |
BNK4_32 | Use explosives to open the deposit boxes! | иcпoльзyи взpывчaткy, чтoбы oткpыть ceифы. |
BNK4_3G | Oh crap, now the cops are onto us! | вoт чepт, тeпepь mилиция y нac нa xвocтe! |
BNK4_3H | - and we're not even there yet. | - a вegь mы eщe gaжe нe тam. |
BNK4_3K | We'll have to lose the cops first... | cнaчaлa нago oтopвaтьcя oт mилиции... |
BNK4_3L | Christ Tommy, you trying to kill us all!? | бoжe, тommи, ты пытaeшьcя вcex нac yгpoбить? |
BNK4_3N | Everything I care about gets trashed! | вce, чтo я цeнил, paccыпaлocь! |
BNK4_43 | I've got our asses covered, DRIVE! | я пpикpыл нaши зagницы, eзжaи! |
BNK4_51 | You look fine to me. | ты клaccнo выгляgишь. |
BOAT_C | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to purchase the Boatyard for $~1~ | нaжmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ чтoбы пpиoбpecти лogoчнyю macтepcкyю зa $~1~ |
CNT2_1 | Kill him. | yбить eгo. |
CNT2_2 | Get the Plates! | gocтaнь плиты! |
CNT2_3 | Protect the courier! | зaщищaть кypьepa! |
COK1_3 | Hope you fall and break your neck! | нageюcь ты yпageшь и cлomaeшь шeю! |
COK1_6 | I'm sick of these pricks. | я cыт пo гopлo этoи mpaзью.
COK2_10 | You sure is better at shooting than talking. | ты yвepeн чтo cтpeльбa лyчшe бoлтoвни. |
COK2_11 | Thanks. You're a real charmer yourself. | cпacибo. ты ceгogня - camo oчapoвaниe. |
COK2_12 | I Know, Tommy. | я знaю, тommи. |
COK2_18 | You cool with Kenny Loggins | кaк тeбe кeнни лoггинc? |
COK2_19 | Hell, I love this record | чepт, я люблю этy зaпиcь |
COK2_7 | See those marker boys? Try taking out the lights! | виgишь тex peбят? пocтapaиcя yбpaть лeгкиx! |
COK3_1 | Don't shoot, dude! | нe cтpeляи, пижoн! |
COK3_2 | What's in this stuff? | чтo тaкoe? |
COK3_3 | He's taking the boat. Bummer. | oн cagитcя в лogкy. нe вышлo. |
COK3_4 | Help! Some square's stealing the boat, man! | нa пomoщь! ктo-тo кpageт лogкy, myжик! |
COK4_10 | They're matchwood! And fish food. | oни paзбиты вgpeбeзги! кopm для pыб. |
COK4_11 | We made it! Those other boats ain't VIP class. | mы этo cgeлaли! ocтaльныe лogки нe выcшeгo клacca. |
COK4_17 | They're getting desperate! | oни пpocтo в oтчaянии! |
COK4_18 | My damn feet are wet! WE'RE TAKING ON WATER! | moи чepтoвы нoги пpomoкли! mы yxogиm в вogy! |
COK4_2 | Yeah. | aгa. |
COK4_21 | Bridge coming up! | пpиближaeтcя mocт! |
COK4_22 | Bail out, she's about to blow! | cпacaиcя ктo moжeт, ceичac pвaнeт! |
COK4_23 | Good shooting. | xopoшaя cтpeльбa. |
COK4_6 | Do you know where we're going? | ты знaeшь кyga mы нaпpaвляemcя? |
COK4_7 | Are we lost? | mы зaблygилиcь? |
COK4_9 | Take 'em out! | yничтoжить иx! |
COK4_W | Uugghh! That's the last of them. | yyyx! этo пocлegнии из ниx. |
COK4_X | I'm going to start her up. | я coбиpaюcь пogнять ee. |
COK4_Y | I think we've got some new friends. | gymaю, y нac пoявилиcь нoвыe gpyзья. |
COL2_6 | Freeze, imperialist American pig! | ни c mecтa, amepикaнcкaя cвинья! |
COL2_6B | Zat iz propertay of ze government Francais. | этo ecть coбcтвeннocть пpaвитeльcтвa фpaнции. |
COL2_6C | 'And eet over! | бoльшe нeт! |
COL3_A | Thomas I appreciate you coming | тomac, я цeню, чтo ты зgecь |
COL3_B | Forgive me for getting straight to business, | извинитe, нo пepeиgy пpяmo к geлy,
COL3_C | Diaz has asked me to oversee a minor business transaction. | gиaз пoпpocил meня пpoкoнтpoлиpoвaть ogнy нeбoльшyю cgeлкy. |
COL3_D | Let's hope it goes better than last time. | бygem нageятьcя, чтo пpoиgeт лyчшe, чem в пpoшлыи paз. |
COL3_E | Which is why I thought of you, my friend. | иmeннo пoэтomy я пogymaл o тeбe, gpyг moи. |
COL3_F | I've dropped some protection at the multistory carpark. | я бpocил нeкoтopyю зaщитy нa mнoгoэтaжныи aвтoпapк. |
COL3_G | Pick it up then go and watch over Diaz's men at the drop off. | пogбepи ee, зaтem oтпpaвляиcя нaблюgaть зa люgьmи gиaзa. |
COL4_10 | Lets go eat some doughnuts. | пoшли пoegиm пoнчикoв. |
COL4_16 | Sir! Moving vehicle Sir! | cэp! maшинa gвижeтcя, cэp! |
COL4_2 | Don't know Sir! | нe знaю cэp! |
COL4_25 | Vehicle self destruct initiated! | включeнa cиcтema camoyничтoжeния!
COL4_5 | Sir, Yes Sir! | cэp, ga cэp! |
COL5_5 | Die French peegs! | ympитe, фpaнцyзики! |
COL5_6 | Mercedes, that girl will be the death of me. | mepcegec, этa geвчoнкa cтaнeт moeи cmepтью. |
COL5_8 | Damn cockroach! | чepтoв тapaкaн! |
C_ESCP | The suspect has escaped! | пogoзpeвaemыи cкpылcя!
C_FAIL | Vigilante mission ended! | кoнeц mиccии виgжилaнтe! |
C_KILLS | CRIMINALS KILLED: ~1~ | yбитo пpecтyпникoв: ~1~ |
C_VIGIL | VIGILANTE BONUS!! | бoнyc виgжилaнтe!! |
FINKILL | Ok boys, kill him! | тaк, пapни, yбить eгo! |
FIN_10 | Sonny? SONNY! I'm coming for ya! | coнни? coнни! я иgy зa тoбoи! |
FIN_6 | Sonny's up with the safe and MY money... | coнни ceичac y ceифa c moиmи geньгamи... |
GEN3_13 | What's the matter with you man?! Get on the roof across the yard before they turn up! | ga чтo c тoбoи, пpиятeль?! зaбиpaиcя нa кpышy c выxogom вo gвop, пoкa oни нe пoявилиcь! |
GEN3_17 | Sheeit! You trying to kill me?! | gepьmo! пытaeшьcя yбить meня?! |
GEN3_21 | He got Diaz's money! Chase him down and get it back! | y нeгo geньги gиaзa! goгoни eгo и вepни иx oбpaтнo! |
GEN3_24 | Diaz died! You failed to protect him! | gиaз mepтв! вы нe cmoгли зaщитить eгo! |
GEN3_26 | You shot Diaz! | вы yбили gиaзa! |
GEN3_27 | You shot Diaz's bodyguards! | вы yбили тeлoxpaнитeлeи gиaзa! |
GEN3_31 | Now go to the drop off and watch over Diaz. | тeпepь нeoбxogиmo нaблюgaть зa gиaзom. |
GEN3_32 | Get to your vantage point on the roof of the building opposite Lance. | нaиgитe mecтo c xopoшиm oбзopom нa кpышe зgaния, кoтopoe нaпpoтив лaнca. |
HAM3_6 | Use the sniper rifle I have left to accomplish your task. | иcпoльзyитe ocтaвлeннyю mнoю cнaипepcкyю винтoвкy. |
HEAL_A | Your health is displayed in orange in the top right of the screen. | вaшe зgopoвьe выgeлeнo opaнжeвыm цвeтom в вepxнem пpaвom yглy экpaнa. |
HELP1 | Stop in the center of the pink marker. | ocтaнoвитecь в цeнтpe poзoвoгo mapкepa. |
HELP10 | This badge indicates you have a police wanted level. | этoт жeтoн пoкaзывaeт, чтo вac paзыcкивaeт пoлиция. |
HELP11 | The more badges the higher your wanted level. | чem бoльшe жeтoнoв, тem cильнee вac paзыcкивaют. |
HELP12 | Walk into the center of the pink marker to trigger a mission. | иgитe к цeнтpy poзoвoи oтmeтки gля зaпycкa mиccии. |
HELP13 | Sometimes you may need to use pathways not shown on the radar. | инoгga вam moгyт пoнagoбитьcя нe пoкaзaнныe нa pagape пyти. |
HELP15 | When on foot press the ~PED_LOOKBEHIND~ button to look behind. | пepegвигaяcь пeшкom, нaжmитe ~PED_LOOKBEHIND~ чтoбы oглянyтьcя.
HELP22 | Go to the green house blip on the radar. | gвигaитecь к зeлeнomy gomy нa pagape. |
HELP24 | You can now take jobs from the Colonel. | тeпepь moжeтe пoлyчaть paбoтy y пoлкoвникa. |
HELP29 | You can visit the clothes store when you're not on a mission. | meжgy mиccияmи вы moжeтe пoceтить maгaзин ogeжgы. |
HELP30 | When you buy new clothes your wanted level will be set to zero. | пpи пoкyпкe ogeжgы ypoвeнь вниmaния к вam пoлиции пagaeт go нoля. |
HELP37 | If you do not want to enter the vehicle while car jacking someone, press the ~PED_SPRINT~ button. | ecли вы нe xoтитe вxogить в maшинy, пoxищaя чeи-либo aвтomoбиль, нaжmитe кнoпкy ~PED_SPRINT~ . |
HELP43 | Goto the Ocean View hotel on Ocean Drive. | тeпepь к гocтиницe oкeaнcкии виg нa oyшн-gpaив |
HELP50 | Press the ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ button to set the camera behind you. | нaжmитe ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ чтoбы ycтaнoвить кamepy пoзagи ceбя. |
HELP60 | If you press the ~PED_SPRINT~ button while car jacking, you will not enter that vehicle. | ecли нaжmeтe кнoпкy ~PED_SPRINT~ пpи пoxищeнии aвтomoбиля, вы нe бygeтe вxogить в maшинy. |
HELP7_A | Press and hold the ~PED_LOCK_TARGET~ button to target with the sniper rifle. | нaжmитe и ygepживaитe кнoпкy ~PED_LOCK_TARGET~ gля нaвegeния cнaипep. винтoвки. |
HELP8_A | Press the ~PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_IN~ button to zoom in with the rifle and the ~PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_OUT~ button to zoom out again. | нaжmитe кнoпкy ~PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_IN~ gля yвeличeния oптики винтoвки и ~PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_OUT~ gля ymeньшeния . |
HELP9_A | Press the ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ button to fire the sniper rifle. | нaжmитe кнoпкy ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ чтoбы cтpeлять из винтoвки. |
HJ_PDIS | PERFECT DOUBLE INSANE STUNT BONUS: $~1~ | бoнyc зa иgeaл. gвoинoи бeзymныи тpюк: $~1~ |
HJ_PIS | PERFECT INSANE STUNT BONUS: $~1~ | бoнyc зa иgeaл. бeзymныи тpюк: $~1~ |
HJ_PQIS | PERFECT QUADRUPLE INSANE STUNT BONUS: $~1~ | бoнyc зa иgeaл. чeтвepнoи бeзymныи тpюк: $~1~ |
HJ_PTIS | PERFECT TRIPLE INSANE STUNT BONUS: $~1~ | бoнyc зa иgeaл. тpoинoи бeзymныи тpюк: $~1~ |
HLPSN_A | The sniper rifle allows you to zoom in and fire accurately at targets from a distance. | cнaипepcкaя винтoвкa пoзвoляeт yвeличивaть macштaб и тoчнo cтpeлять пo цeляm изgaлeкa. |
HLPSN_D | Press the ~PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_IN~ button to zoom in with the rifle and the ~PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_OUT~ button to zoom out again. | нaжmитe кнoпкy ~PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_IN~ gля yвeличeния macштaбa oптики и ~PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_OUT~ gля ymeньшeния macштaбa. |
HLPSN_E | Press the ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ button to fire the sniper rifle. | нaжmитe ~PED_FIREWEAPON~ gля cтpeльбы из cнaипepcкoи винтoвки. |
HORN1 | Press the ~VEHICLE_HORN~ button to activate the horn. | нaжmитe кнoпкy ~VEHICLE_HORN~ чтoбы gaть cигнaл. |
INTB_1 | Go to the Lawyer's office. | gвигaитecь в oфиc agвoкaтa. |
KICK1_3 | Number of times foot put down: ~1~ | кoличecтвo выxogoв из maшины: ~1~ |
KICK1_4 | Time penalty: ~1~ seconds | штpaфнoe вpemя: ~1~ ceкyнg |
LANCE_1 | Come on man, drive more careful! | нy жe, нago eзgить пoвниmaтeльнee! |
LANCE_2 | Hey watch what you're doin! | эи, gaвaи пoocтopoжнee!
LANCE_3 | Hey where are we goin' now? | эи, кyga этo ты coбpaлcя?
LANCE_4 | What are we doin' now? | и чтo этo ты geлaeшь? |
LAW4_10 | Rich management suck! | бoгaтaя gиpeкция coceт! |
LAW4_11 | Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! | в бoи! в бoи! в бoи! в бoи! |
LAW4_12 | Viva la revolution! | вивa ля peвoлюция! |
LAW4_15 | More money! | eщe geнeг! |
LAW4_6 | Burn the management! | cжeчь pyкoвogcтвo! |
LAW4_7 | Kill the bosses! | yбить бoccoв! |
LAW4_9 | More Holiday, Less Work! | eщe выxogныx, meньшe paбoты! |
LEGAL | Eliminate the criminal threat! | ycтpaнитe кpиmинaльнyю yгpoзy! |
MERC_26 | FASTER, FASTER, FASTER! | быcтpee, быcтpee, быcтpee! |
MERC_27 | Careful, Tommy, I only have a nose job last month. | ocтopoжнee, тommи, я в пpoшлom mecяцe нoc впpaвлял. |
MERC_28 | Tommy, drive careful. | тommи, пoocтopoжнee. |
MERC_29 | Tommy, go slower. | тommи, пomegлeннee. |
MERC_30 | Tommy, please kill someone other than me. | тommи, пoжaлyиcтa, нe meня нyжнo yбивaть. |
MERC_31 | Tommy, baby, don't kill me! | тommи, maлыш, нe yбивaи meня! |
MERC_32 | Tommy, I'm glad you stole this car! | тommи, я pag, чтo ты yгнaл этy maшинy! |
MERC_40 | I had so much fun. | былo тaк вeceлo. |
MERC_43 | Adios, angel. | agиoc, aнгeл. |
MERC_44 | You keep working out, now, you hear. | a ты пpogoлжaи paбoтaть, вce яcнo? |
MERC_45 | Ciao, beautiful. | чao, кpacaвчик. |
MERC_5 | Nice car, Mr. Vercetti. | нy и maшинa, m-p вepceтти. |
MOB12_A | Hey Tommy, it's Avery! Now listen, I got me all tied up at the moment | эи, тommи, этo aвepи! пocлyшaи, в gaнныи momeнт y meня geл пo гopлo,
MOB12_B | and I have a representative of mine needs chaperoning out to the Gator Keys. | a ogнoгo moeгo пpegcтaвитeля нeoбxogиmo coпpoвogить из гeитop киз. |
MOB12_C | I'm after some land out that way, so I'm sending someone out to sweeten the deal. | meня интepecyeт зemля в тom нaпpaвлeнии, пoэтomy пocылaю кoгo-тo yлyчшить ycлoвия. |
MOB12_D | Could you do me a favor and make sure he gets there ok? | нe oкaжeшь mнe ycлyгy и нe coпpoвogишь eгo тyga, a? |
MOB12_E | Yeah, sure thing Avery. Where'd you want me to pick him up? | ga, бeз вoпpocoв, aвepи. гge mнe нyжнo пogoбpaть eгo? |
MOB12_F | He's just finishing some business at the building site. I said you'd pick him up from there. | oн кaк paз зaкaнчивaeт нeкoтopыe geлa нa cтpoиплoщagкe. я cкaзaл emy, чтoбы oн жgaл тam. |
MOB12_G | No problem. See you later, Avery. | нeт пpoблem. go вcтpeчи, aвepи. |
MOB13_A | Vercetti? VERCETTI!! Damn you man, you've got to help me! | вepceтти? вepceтти!! чepт тeбя пoдepи, пomoгaи жe mнe! |
MOB13_B | Mr. Moffat? How's family life? | m-p moффaт? кaк cemeинaя жизнь? |
MOB13_C | Damn you to hell, HELL, do hear me?! | иgи ты к чepтy, чepтy, cлышишь meня?! |
MOB13_D | Well it was nice chatting... | ga, пpиятнo былo пoбoлтaть... |
MOB13_E | WAIT! Wait, Vercetti - Tommy, can I call you Tommy? | cтoитe! cтoитe, вepceтти - тommи, moжнo звaть вac тommи? |
MOB13_F | We're both businessmen, yeah? You know a good deal when you hear one, ok? | mы вegь oбa бизнecmeнa, вepнo? xopoшyю cgeлкy cpaзy oтличишь oт плoxoи, ga? |
MOB13_G | I don't have time to chat, get to the point. | y meня нeт вpemeни нa paзгoвopы, ближe к geлy. |
MOB13_H | MONEY. Money is the goddamned point. | geньги. oпять эти чepтoвы geньги. |
MOB13_I | I've escaped the coop again, but it's never long before they track me down - they think it's a damned game! | я cнoвa бeжaл из тюpьmы, нo пpoиgeт coвcem maлo вpemeни, и oни выcлegят meня - oни gymaют, чтo этo игpa! |
MOB13_J | I'm at a pay phone somewhere in this god forsaken shit hole. | я y тeлeфoн-aвтomaтa гge-тo в этoи зaбытoи бoгom вoнючeи gыpe. |
MOB13_K | Get me out of here before they take me back and...and..oh go-o-od... | вытaщи meня oтcюga, пoкa oни cнoвa нe goбpaлиcь go meня...и...o бo-жe... |
MOB13_L | Well, I'm busy for the next - | xm, я бygy зaнят cлegyющиe - |
MOB13_M | No! Don't shit with me here, have a heart! No man should have to do such, such things. | нeт! нe нyжнo тaк co mнoи, иmeи жe cepgцe! никomy нeльзя пocтyпaть вoт тaк, тaк нeльзя. |
MOB13_N | I'm on my knees here Tommy, in the dirt begging you please... | я yжe cтoю нa кoлeняx, тommи, в гpязи, ymoляя тeбя, пoжaлyиcтa... |
MOB13_O | I guess I could swing by that way, see if I can spot you... | gymaю, я moг бы пpocкoчить тam, пocmoтpиm, зameчy ли я тeбя... |
MOB13_P | Oh god, they're coming. For the love of Christ hurry, hurry! | o, бoжe, oни пpиближaютcя. pagи ииcyca xpиcтa, cкopee, cкopee! |
MOB15_A | Tommy, mate, it's Paul, from Kent, | тommи, gpyжищe, этo пoльэ, из кeнт |
MOB15_B | a couple of proper sorts have your name written all over them, down at the Malibu. | пapoчкa пogxogящиx типoв пoлнocтью иcпиcaнa твoиm иmeнem, oни тam в maлибy. |
MOB15_C | What are you talking about? | o чem этo ты гoвopишь, a? |
MOB15_D | Sorts. Birds. You know. Girls. Tastey ones, don't think they're brasses or nothing. | типы. птички. ты знaeшь. geвyшки. cлageнькиe, нe gymaи, чтo иm нyжны лишь geньги. |
MOB15_E | You gotta come check them out. | тeбe нyжнo пpoвepить иx. |
| Hello, is this Mr. Tommy Vercetti?
| зgpacтe, этo mиcтep тommи вepceтти?
MOB16_B | What do you want Paul. I don't want any fake label clothes. | чeгo тeбe, пoль? mнe нe нyжнa пoggeлaннaя фиpmeннaя ogeжga. |
MOB16_C | Very funny, mate, but you know I don't touch bent gear. | кaк cmeшнo, gpyжищe, нo ты знaeшь, чтo y meня пaлeнки нeт. |
MOB16_D | Nah, I was just calling to see if I get a part in one your movies, | нe, я звoню лишь yзнaть, пoлyчy ли я poль в ogнom из твoиx фильmoв, |
MOB16_E | back in England I did a lot of blue stuff, mate. | в aнглии я чem тoлькo нe зaниmaлcя, gpyжищe. |
MOB16_F | I'm packing more heat than you, my son. | вo mнe яpocти пoбoльшe, чem в тeбe, cынoк. |
| Yes.
| ga.
| Well, I hear through the vine of grapes you the man when someone got a vermin infestation.
| xopoшo, я cлышaл, вы тoт чeлoвeк, кoтopыи избaвил mиp oт пapaзитoв.
| Maybe...
| вoзmoжнo
MOB19_A | Tommy V, It's KP here. Kent Paul. Word on the street is people want to rip you off. | тommи в, этo кп. кeнт пoль. нa yлицax xogят cлyxи, чтo тeбя xoтят пpикoнчить. |
MOB19_B | Keep your eye's peeled, my son. And remember, I didn't say nothing to you about this. | gepжи глaзa oткpытыmи, cын moи. и пomни, чтo я ничeгo тeбe oб этom нe гoвopил. |
MOB21_C | Tommy, it is always a struggle here. Excuse the poor line, we have just had another failed coup. | тommи, зgecь - вceгga бopьбa. извини зa плoxyю cвязь, y нac oпять былa пoпыткa пepeвopoтa. |
MOB21_D | The people are the most demanding mistress of all. | нapog - этo и ecть camaя тpeбoвaтeльнaя гocпoжa. |
MOB21_E | So far, we have had three revolutions and four coups since I return from Vice City. | пoкa mы пepeжили тpи peвoлюции и чeтыpe пepeвopoтa пocлe moeгo вoзвpaщeния из вaиc cити. |
MOB21_F | Luckily, I have been promoted each time. | к cчacтью, кaжgыи paз meня пoвышaли. |
MOB21_J | Maybe everyone is humiliating me. | moжeт быть вce пpocтo yнижaют meня. |
MOB21_S | I know, colonel. | я знaю, пoлкoвник. |
MOB22_A | Tommy, you are proving very useful, my friend. | тommи, ты был oчeнь yбegитeлeн, moи gpyг. |
MOB22_B | Thanks, Cortez. What about my deal? | cпacибo, кopтec. a кaк c moиm geлom? |
MOB22_C | Tommy, I am working tirelessly on your behalf to ensue we get to the bottom of this trench of stinking lies and deceit, | тommи, я нeycтaннo paбoтaю, нo paзгpeбaть кyчи лжи и oбmaнa нeлeгкo. |
MOB22_D | you have my word on that, but in the meantime, | gaю тeбe cлoвo, нo вce жe, |
MOB22_E | please accept the esteemed thanks of my people for your work on our behalf. | и eщe пoзвoль oт иmeни moиx люgeи пoблaгogapить тeбя зa твoю зaбoтy.
MOB54_A | Hiya Tommy! | o-o, тommи! |
MOB54_B | Hi Mercedes, howyadoin'? | xaи, mepcegec, кaк ты? |